Category: Harm Reduction

How to be Kind to Yourself

How to be Kind to Yourself Be Kind to Yourself

Do you beat yourself up with negative self-talk? Do you feel emotionally unbalanced? These are signs of you being too hard on yourself. Step back for a minute and consider these tips on how to be kind to yourself. You’ll find they make a huge difference in your self-confidence and self-appreciation. How to be Kind […]

Who Can Benefit from Trauma-Informed Care?

Who Can Benefit from Trauma-Informed Care? Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care is a term that many people might not be familiar with, but which counselors around the world are learning to embrace. Trauma-informed care describes an alternative care method, whereby counselors are encouraged to consider and treat any past trauma(s) that a patient might have undergone before their current session. A patient’s journey doesn’t […]

How Does Substance Use Affect Health and Well-Being?

How Does Substance Use Affect Health and Well-Being? How Does Substance Use Affect Health and Well-Being?

Substance addiction is diagnosed as a chronic medical condition that is comprised of complicated interconnections between the circuits in an individual’s brain, the environment they’re exposed to, and the experiences they’ve had throughout their life. Genetics plays a role in this medical condition, too. Fortunately, substance use disorders are treatable; however, addiction can take a […]

What is Harm Reduction Counseling?

What is Harm Reduction Counseling? Harm Reduction

The concept of harm reduction was initially founded and introduced in the 1980s, as an alternative to abstinence-only focused interventions for adults with substance abuse disorders. Since then, the practice has evolved and is seen as revolutionary in the field of addiction. Harm reduction services aim to reduce the negative effects of drug use on […]

Myths About Substance Abuse Recovery

Myths About Substance Abuse Recovery Substance Abuse Recovery

While a person may get through a recovery program and stay clean for a while after, nobody can force an addict to recover. An addict can only begin the recovery journey when they admit that they are powerless over the substance, and their life has become unmanageable. Such rigorous honesty, admitting our addiction and seeking […]

What Is the Meaning of Sobriety?

What Is the Meaning of Sobriety? sobriety

When you hear the word sobriety there are probably a few different things that come to mind. The most common idea people have about sobriety is abstinence from illicit drug use or, sober living. While this idea is not completely wrong, it is also not actually accurate either. We will go over the meaning of […]

Harm Reduction Strategies for Overdose Prevention

Harm Reduction Strategies for Overdose Prevention Harm Reduction Strategies

Many people characterize drug addicts as weak-willed, selfish, morally inferior, wastes of space who purposely choose to ruin their lives. However, science caught up to the facts a long time ago. Addiction is a progressive, chronic, and all-too-often fatal disease in which brain circuits related to decision-making and rewards are permanently altered. It is difficult […]