Blue Sky Counseling Omaha

What Is the Meaning of Sobriety?

What Is the Meaning of Sobriety? sobriety

When you hear the word “sobriety,” a few different things might come to mind. The most common idea people have about sobriety is abstinence from illicit drug use or, sober living. perspective is partially correct, it doesn’t fully capture the concept. In this article, we will go over what sobriety means in detail to help […]

Harm Reduction Strategies for Overdose Prevention

Harm Reduction Strategies for Overdose Prevention Harm Reduction Strategies

Many people characterize drug addicts as weak-willed, selfish, morally inferior, wastes of space who purposely choose to ruin their lives. However, science caught up to the facts a long time ago. Addiction is a progressive, chronic, and all-too-often fatal disease in which brain circuits related to decision-making and rewards are permanently altered. It is difficult […]

Beware of Gambling in Video Games

Beware of Gambling in Video Games Gambling in Video Games

There are many benefits when it comes to video games. They can be an excellent source for young children to develop early learning. Video games can help with memory, concentration, multi-tasking skills, and can even provide a sense of community and social connection. However, when it comes to gambling in video games, there are some […]

Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental Health in the Workplace Mental Health in the Workplace

According to Limeade, depression costs companies in America $44 billion in lost productivity. This includes $80 to $100 billion in direct costs each year due to mental illness and substance abuse. Keeping your company alive and afloat should always be one of your top priorities. Therefore, this information alone should be enough to drive home […]

Trading Apps & The Risk Of Gambling Addiction

Trading Apps & The Risk Of Gambling Addiction trading apps

In recent news, gambling addiction experts are starting to voice their concerns surrounding the addictive nature of certain trading apps. One of the main trading apps in recent months to become publicly under fire on Wall Street is Robinhood. Finance and gambling experts are even calling the app indistinguishable from online gambling addiction. What’s exactly […]

Anxiety About Post Pandemic Return to Normal

Anxiety About Post Pandemic Return to Normal anxiety

After more than a year of quarantine, virus infections, and deaths, vaccines are finally at hand. COVID-19 vaccinations are currently rolling out across the globe. Since then, restrictions on quarantines have been gradually lifted. Some countries have completely returned to normal, allowing concerts and other mass gatherings. While most of the population is rejoicing about […]

Tools to Relieve Anxiety

Tools to Relieve Anxiety relieve anxiety

The Covid-19 pandemic brought depression and anxiety to many people worldwide. Feelings of dread, fear, and uneasiness can be deeply unpleasant. Anxiety symptoms present themselves differently to everyone. Whether it be a panic attack, upset stomach, or nervous tension, the distress and discomfort are oftentimes overwhelming. Over 40 million people in the United States suffer […]

What To Ask A New Mental Health Counselor?

What To Ask A New Mental Health Counselor? New Mental Health Counselor

Individuals who have concerns regarding their mental health are advised to meet with a mental health counselor immediately. A mental health professional can then begin to understand the state of your mental health. If you decide to meet with a new mental health counselor, chances are you don’t know what they are like. Here are […]

How To Find A Local Mental Health Counselor

How To Find A Local Mental Health Counselor Local Mental Health Counselor

If you are struggling with a mental health condition, you may reach a point where you decide to seek help from a mental health counselor. However, you might find it challenging to find the right counselor to talk to, and what you need to consider when choosing a counselor in your local area. Finding a […]